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A global leader in investing responsibly

We integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment process.

We believe it’s important because a company’s approach to managing ESG risks and opportunities can have a meaningful impact on its long-term viability and success.

Over the long term, we believe companies and assets with sound ESG management are more likely to increase in value. By contrast, companies that poorly manage ESG risks have the potential to destroy shareholder value and may also harm the broader community and environment.

Our Responsible Ownership approach

  1. Environmental, social and governance integration.
  2. Stewardship: engagement and voting.
  3. Advocacy and collaboration.
  4. Exclusions: tobacco*, thermal coal^, controversial weapons#.
  5. Measuring our positive impact.

*Direct investments in tobacco manufacturers and/or producers (including subsidiaries, joint ventures and affiliates) which derive 5% or more of their revenue from the manufacture and/or production of tobacco products.
^Direct investments in companies that generate 10% or more of their revenues directly from mining thermal or energy coal.
#Direct investments in companies that derive any revenue from the manufacture and/or production of controversial weapons including chemical weapons, cluster munitions, land mines and depleted uranium.

Our Global Advocacy and Collaboration Partners


Governance and risk management

Delivering strong investment results via a strong governance framework with clear accountabilities which supports effective decision making and a positive culture.